
Please feel free to share your experiences, comment, or ask questions.
Bonnie reads the messages and may sometimes reply.
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you got a hold of me

I saved Roseanne episode segment you sang you got a hold of me. I still listen to it several times a week. everytime sends shivers up my back still. absolutely beautiful

CNN Special!

Saw you last night on the CNN Special about Jimmy Carter ! A much better time! Be safe and thanks for the wonderful music that brings us together to smile, laugh and feel happiness! Music hopefully can help heal us!


Sweet woman, I only live a few blocks from you. Heard a new song to me, on KSHE, that you and Eric Clapton wrote together. I was traveling down I-55 to Arnold, MO. I have not turned my music up in a long time. I did with that song, cried while driving south. Thank you again for being you. I have watched you for years.


Hi Bonny my brother just reminded me that today was your birthday and we were both together at GCHS back in the days.

My baby Sister

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my lovely Sister! I will call you later.

Crocheted sweater

Hello! I'm here because I'm a crocheter, and I'm really interested in the sweater Bonnie wears on the cover of Together. I believe the colors were altered for the album cover, as I think that Eric Clapton wears the same sweater during his performance with The Dirty Mac as part of the Rock and Roll Circus. I'd really like to know if it was created from a pattern, or just made freehand, if Bonnie made it herself or if it was a gift, and any other history of the sweater, like what happened to it? I apologize if I'm being overly nosy, but it's captured my imagination, and I'd like to try to recreate it, if possible. Thank you for your time and consideration! :)

Meeting you and Danny

I was working in a postal store in Encino CA in the early 80’s and you and Danny stopped in to nail a package. You were both the nicest people. I was so excited to have met you and loved your music so much. You and Linda Ronstadt had the 2 voices ever.

Something nice

I've got a friend that has the biggest crush on Bonnie. He's been struggling with depression and the loss of his job, and just honestly finding himself. I love this friend, I wish I could get a personalized autograph, or message to him from Bonnie. That would make him the happiest I've seen him in over 13 years.

Concert Pics

Saw you and Delaney in concert at Stony Brook University on Long Island - maybe 1971 or '72. I was a very amateur photographer back then, but I managed to get a few great shots of you alone and you and Delaney. I found them while going through some pics from that era. Not sure if you'd want them or want to post them. If you're at all interested, email me back and I'll send the pics or scan and send - you're call. Thanks for all the great music - still enjoying it today!

the music

Perhaps one of the few good things to happen in this work from home COVID time is that I can play my music as loud as I want and whatever I want. "It's Time" is playing now. Your music was a large part of the soundtrack in my youth throughout high school especially. I never got to see you perform live, but your music never failed to lift my spirits. I still love it all these years later. I just wanted to say Thank you.